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Shipping & Delivery

Purchases are shipped from our warehouse in Cochin by reputable courier companies. Please allow the following number of days from receipt of your order.

⦁ For India orders – All domestic orders are processed within 1 business day. The order will be delivered within 3-7 business days. This could take 10-12 working days for remote or difficult coverage areas.
⦁ For International orders – All international orders are processed within 1 business day. You can expect delivery of the order within 5-9 business days.
⦁ Order Deliveries Will Be Made Between 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday – Saturday. Excluding public holidays.
⦁ Goods must be signed for upon delivery. If you cannot be there to sign for your delivery please suggest an alternative i.e. a family member, colleague, neighbour, etc. Regardless, Team Green Innovations Pvt. Ltd. takes no responsibility for goods signed by an alternative person.
⦁ Team Green Innovations Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for damage after delivery.
⦁ For any complaints with concerns to your order please contact Customer Care within 4 business days after delivery for resolution.
⦁ Shipping and handling charges may vary with respect to the product, packaging, size, volume, type, and other factors. These charges will be displayed during the checkout process so that customers are aware of them before making a payment.

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